The difference between kirei(きれい) and utsukushi(うつくしい).

Today I will tell you the difference between kirei(きれい) and utsukushi(うつくしい).

These words have similar meaning
But it is different in deeply meaning.
So I will tell you why

Kirei means clean ,beautiful, and neat.
The word express the beauty of the appearance.

while utsukushi means beautiful, artistically.
Certainly it means the beauty of the appearance.
But it doesn’t suggest about cleanliness.
So It expresses a more deeper beauty which comes from one’s thinking.

For example, you can say “the room is kirei.”
But you can’t say “the room is utsukushi.”

Because the room can be clean.
But the room cannot be beautiful for the mind
unless you really think about the room in that way.

Like for example, the room can have really beautiful ornaments.
Then the room can catch your mind.
So then you can say “the room is utsukushi.”

Thus, kirei can express the appearance of a beauty but the utsukushi can express the beauty of something that catches your heart

The way to write in kanji
kirei =綺麗(きれい)

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